Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saying Goodbye to One P...for a time....

We are the Three Baggy P's.  Jennifer, Jessica and Beth (Mom).
This photo was taken on the morning of August 31. On this day we left Jessica in Southern California where she is attending West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster.  She is almost a Junior.  For the 1st part of her college journey, she attend Maranatha Baptist University which is only 90 minutes from our hometown.  Now Jessica is over 2,000 MILES AWAY FROM HOME! Notice we are smiling now - it's's sunny....and we know our goodbyes are hours away.

Jennifer and Jessica after we just arrived on campus...sporting their new Oakley from their "always spoiling his girls" Daddy

Also with us on this journey is Mr. P's sister, Teresa...known as "Auntie T"

After the moving in....after the shopping for dorm life...after the wonderful President's Dinner...after the great opening service...were the goodbyes. 

On a beautiful, star-fill Southern California night I felt such a peace about leaving Jessica in the Hands of God - for it is He that directed her there and He that will sustain and keep her there.  

That doesn't mean it was easy to say goodbye.  That just means I'm confident she'll be fine.

And...her car will be fine:)  This is the sun shade she picked up at a local store.  

So what's going on with our business?  More on that next time.  We are all still sewing - just in different places....very different places!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Exciting Things are Happening!

Beth, Jennifer and Jessica

Yes, it's obvious we've been away too long from our blog. more! Even as Jessica is leaving for college within the week, there are exciting things happening in our business and sewing.  God has seen fit to bless our efforts and we are whole-heartily pursuing His plan and purpose.  The Farmer's Market season is winding down, but we have new opportunities to showcase our wonderful handmade items and we'll be sharing those with you, as well as an amazing partnership with a Chicago-based charity that promises to grow Three Baggy P's exponentially.  This will allow Jessica to solely work for our business while in college in California and allow Jennifer and Beth to continue to grow our company on Wisconsin. ready to see great new products...and our announcement about this wonderful partnership.  

This Saturday will be Jessica's last farmer's market gig - then she heads off to West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, CA.  If you are in our area...stop by and give her a big hug as she takes this new and exciting step in her life.  She blesses our family daily and now God is sending her on a new journey to bless others.  Dont' fear...she's still a vital part of our business and you'll be seeing her posting here too.