Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Mom's Getting Creative...

For a while, Mom had a hard time deciding what to make for some Christmas presents, but once she got this idea in her head there was no stopping her! I love the different designs she created, and even though we've given these towels away, I'm sure we'll make more to add to our booth at the Market next summer. I'm already wishing those warm summery months were here, but I'm sure I'll be thankful for all the time to sew this winter to prepare for our booth!

My favorite! It reminds me of "going green,"
or being "eco-friendly."
The only one we decided to keep -
I love the touch it adds to our kitchen!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

3 Baby Quilts....DONE!

I just finished up and mailed three baby quilts!  They were for the Quilts for Kids project and it took me much longer than I anticipated to complete them.  They were not hard to do...simple blocks with simple quilting...but, I found my sewing time limited and at times I was selfish and wanted to work on other projects rather then completing the quilts.  Finally I had to impose upon myself a rule that I couldn't work on anything else until they were completed...and that did the trick.

Here's the link to find out more information on the Quilts for Kids project http://www.quiltsforkids.org/  

The kits include all you need for the front of the quilt, and the backing.  The quilter must provide the batting...and all the work...which really isn't work at all...but lots of fun!!

A wonderful part of this sewing, was thinking about the children who will receive them, praying for them, and wondering how they are doing.  I don't think I will ever find out who gets the quilts I made...The Lord knows, and He will send my prayers to the right child.

The first quilt is orange/pink/cream with a green inner boarder.  The print has purses on it!  How appropriate for us=)

The second quilt is brown/orange/blue and mustard...the best part being the printed boarders with OWLS!!!

And the third quilt is all about cowboys! Red/green, blue with a horseshoe print and terrific cowboy boots for the backing fabric.

 As you can see...we were given a label to print our name to attach to every quilt.  Here is one with Jessica's name on.  

Each quilt binding was made by bringing the backing fabric to the front...then I did a blanket stitch with my machine to make a very secure binding. Each quilt has been washed and dried and is ready for the sweet child to receive.
I definitely would do this again...although I would only order one quilt kit at a time=)

Friday, August 16, 2013

100 Facebook Likes =]

This lucky little lady was our 100th "like" on Facebook, so she won one of our little Keyring Pouches. Congrats!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Latest DIY Project

I know this isn't made strictly out of fabric, but I want to share it with you all anyway. =] I've had the old wooden frame for ages, and when I bought some new burlap I finally decided to make this. It was really easy too, friends. The only hard part was when I accidentally stapled through my entire project, plus a cutting mat and into the table underneath... Yeah, that was an adventure. I learned that I can easily get by with a regular stapler, and not a hard-core staple gun! =P Learn something new everyday.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Friday Fun

Well, last Friday we spent almost the entire day at a friend's house, just sewing away! It was a wonderful time of sweet fellowship around our sewing machines. =] (I also loved the help of two fabulous girls, Abby and Kaylie, as I was putting together some new owls) Here are some pictures of that fun day!

^All three of us had our machines up and running!^

^I love these sweet little ladies!^

^My favorite owl that we made that day.^

^Fun prints, before adding some embellishments.^

^Now we're picking out buttons for the eyes...^

^I just noticed that Kaylie's chopping on a potato chip. Cuteness! We've gotta keep everyone happy, happy, happy!^

Monday, July 08, 2013

We're Just A Shoppin' Around

Mom and I have to admit - We love spending time (and money) together, and shopping for fabric is just one of those things that makes a Saturday afternoon practically perfect. Here are some fun pictures we snapped of our time together...

^^^I had my fabric, my bag of fluff for stuffing owls, and my roll of batting, sticking off the end of my cart like a battering ram!^^^

^^^What fun fabric's mom found!^^^

^^^And Dawn, the gal who's getting to know us quite well... Don't laugh at us taking her picture - she could have a claim to fame one day if I become a well-known designer!^^^

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Latest Market Bag Design

So, these pictures are a little bit blurry because of the low lighting inside tonight, but I couldn't wait to take new ones. =] I finished this market bag this afternoon, but the really exciting thing about it is shown in the third picture...

We have new tags, and I think they're looking pretty fine! Super excited for this latest addition to our designs.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

First Day Back!!!

Oh, we just had the funnest time back at the market today! Our new set-up was a ton of fun to see come together this morning - all of that work is finally paying off. Praise the Lord, he gave us a very good day, filled with seeing many old faces, and meeting a few new ones. =]

^^^Some sister lovin' (with our spiffy new banner in the background^^^

^^^Yay! Our newest addition to our booth - owls, owls and more owls!^^^

^^^The beautiful lady who gave me the desire to sew, and the cutesy girl who gives me inspiration^^^

^^^We painted our pegboard display for a new touch of color^^^

^^^Our fun table set-up^^^

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Farmer's and Artisan's Market Preview....

We are very busy getting ready for our Farmer's and Artisan's Market - which begins the 1st Saturday in June!  Our sewing machines are rarely idle and our iron stays hot - and you know what?....I've been making some really cute quilted hot pads/pot holders....

I've been using up a TON of my wonderful scraps to make these...
and I love the black and white chevron for the binding.

Elkhart Lake, WI is a pretty neat town to visit!
Click on the sidebar link for more information!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

McCalls 5813 - The Easiest Lounge Pants in the World!

I finished a pair of lounge pants this morning for myself!  I made both Jessica & Jennifer a pair around Christmas, but never finished mine.  The winter weather here on the 1st day of Spring gave me some time in my sewing space to get them done - from cutting out to finish was about 2 hours. Take a look....
Easy means easy...these are certainly a pair of lounge pants a sewing beginner can make

I kept myself supplied with my Ipod, phone and without fail, sea salt & vinegar chips...along with my other sewing notions...of course.

I purchased this fabric at Joann's during their after Thanksgiving flannel sale about two years ago, maybe three....it's very soft - perfect for lounge pants.  And I LOVE PAISLEY!

Note:  I used a very easy elastic waistband tutorial - which I first learn from Nancy Zieman...the "Sewing with Nancy"...Nancy Zieman
Here's the link to see for yourself:

I know they are long...but I made them that way...so when I sit down my ankles don't get cold!  That is the great thing about sewing...custom made!...and yes , the legs are wide - but very comfy - perfect for crossing my legs and watching a movie on girl's night.

Here is Jenny, wearing her lounge pants.  Much more colorful than mine - because that's who Jenny is....and I love her just the way God made her.  I had so much fun working with these fabrics for her - again...flannel from Joann's.

Jenny wishes she would have had her toenails painted...but I wanted to get this posted...so please excuse her bare toes=)

One note on the pattern:  The crotch in rather long - and easy adjustment to shorten when you are cutting it out.  Jenny and I didn't mind because we wanted very loose, and comfortable lounge pants....so we can lounge!

Thanks for Looking...and Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, March 15, 2013

New Table Runner

Each year I am in a Secret Sister group at our church.  Usually in the final "reveal" - after a year of gift giving and praying for our secret sister, I make a table runner, or some such handmade gift.  I enjoy the process immensely.  This is the table runner I made this year and will give this weekend.  I've had this wonderful fabric for quite some time - and recently purchased the red for the hexagon flowers and binding.

It's made from 5 inch blocks.
I love these colors!

I had a lot of the blue/cream fabric left...so why not a pretty back!
I chose to do fairly simple quilting - as time permitted me practicing my free motion quilting.  Just straight line quilting.  I think the flowers in the center really add a great touch to what otherwise might have been a rather boring table runner.  

I've picked a new secret sister for the next year...so the new planning and praying begins again!